PLEASE NOTE: Most people prefer to Register for online access to each issue where you may also access back issues for a low fee. Great deal!

This payment area is to purchase the Yearly (6 issues) Print Option described below. PLEASE READ - Below is a list of options for reading The Tea House Times.

SINGLE ISSUES IN PRINT: If you would like to receive The Tea House Times in print, please order each bi-monthly issue individually from the link mentioned to the left for more info.

DIGITAL ACCESS/ONLINE: To view the current issue digitally - and view additional back issues for no extra fee, order REGISTRATION - SUBSCRIBER and complete payment that will allow you to access, view, and download each issue online at If you register as an ADVERTISER, you receive free access to subscriber areas too.

YEARLY PRINT OPTION: If you want us to handle ordering each individual issue in print on your behalf, then you may pay here to order yearly. The fee includes the same you would be charged by our print on demand service plus postage. **USA ONLY** One year includes 6 issues mailed to you automatically. Continue to pay or USE THE FOLLOWING LINK SHOWN AT LEFT FOR SINGLE ISSUES IN PRINT <<<

Price: $39.99

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